Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

PG: Today I deserve a 100 because we worked Napkin. I'm just going to say that directing is fucking hard, bro. Like, I totally missed so many things and I am so thankful that Lou is here to help. It's also really cool to watch another person, or another type of person direct. It's like different acting methods... but not. Haha.

So today I started work in the Appy department at ShopRite. I was never a fan of lunch meat... now I hate it even more. That shit is NASTY. The job was easy. Tedious, but easy. And i need to wear this dumb hat. And i got up this morning and ran a mile. Then went into wrok at five. So i'm sooo beat. Just figured i;d mention i got a job. yay cash!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

PG: Today I deserve a 100 because we worked my scene and I feel like I have a way better grasp on it. Before I feel like I was taking the entire thing way to seriously, like it was a political piece that was meant to like, cause riots and such. I was making everything too big and serious, leading to a lot of confusion when I would come across things that didn't seem as such. However, now, I feel like I understand it, and will be better equipped when I have to direct on my own next week. I'm actually really excited to re-do some of the blocking now that I know making it smaller won't kill the piece.

When I got home it was like I was on a mission. I found my director's book (yay) and went through everything I had again. For starters, I researched project management, and that is for sure what our girls are doing! I really liked the way the shot galsses worked today, and the way Kelsey just took ownership of them made my day. I emailed Daria about Props and sound, sharing what I had with her, and tomorrow I've downloaded all we've discussed in class together today and put it on a playlist. I got to Hope about costumes, and we've been going back and fourth and have came to an agreement and what it should look like and I'm very happy with the outcome. we have pictures for tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

I graduate in less than a month.
PG: 100. Today I deserve a 100 because this is the first legitimate class I've had in a month! It felt so good to have a teacher again (although I love Lou, I miss you :[) Asssskisss! haha, anyways. It also felt really good to do a monologue. I've done this monolgoue with two different arttisits, and it's really cool to see what direction each of them lead you in to still get an arch, but with a different outcome. I love the play Dog Sees God. I hope one day I can like, adapt it into a screenplay or even like, colobrate with Bert V. Royal.

Journal: I'm staying after to tech the dance show. Do I still need to write a review and/ or do journals?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Catch Me If You Can

PG: Today I deserve a 100 because I, along with the rest of the seniors pulled a pretty decent lesson plan out of our asses because we didn't have the movie to watch. There may have been some kind of miscommunication today because Javi didn't know if he was supposed to have the movie or what? So, hopefully everything will get worked out for tomorrow so this doesn't have to happen again.

So, We didn't watch All The President's Men today because we didn't have the movie. Instead, we... well, Matt gave the freshman a mini history lesson about the Watergate Scandal so that they have some information about the movie. After we finished that, we put on the movie "Catch Me If You Can" (Matt also had that with him) so we can give than an example of how to analytically look at a moive. We started them off nicely, so that they can do the same thing tomorrow.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's already May...

...holy shit.
PG: Today I deserve a 100 because 1) I took the exit exam... cake. 2) I gave a film history lecture which to be honest, I was really unprepared for... I learned though. 3) After the freshman were gone Matt was teaching how to do autocad and I actually got some of it. Productive day, for sure.

Hmm... I gave my first "lecture" today. The one thing I love more than anything about being in this program besides the opportunities we're offered and the hands on experience we get is the chance to teach. By the end of senior year, you've directed... or tried too, and will have taught a class something. Although this year the circumstances are special, so the teaching is a little more than normal. But, it's such a learning expeierence. It just makes me feel like I have more of an edge... like, I almost have a one up in some ways on other kids, because I've taught something.

ALSO, because I know you will read this and my blackberry is dumb,
We'll stop and watch the movie... but before that we'll go over that slide one more time, just to make sure we're clear on somethings. And the slide show and Scorsese sounds great. I have a great book by Roger Ebert about criticism and his relationship with Scorsese. I can go through it one more time and if you would like I can bring it in and we can read some stuff?... Just text me or email me... I'll get it eventually :]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Desperatly need to get this out.

I'm spilling, because I am so done with the bullshit that is the morning class of our shop. it's so ridiculous that at this point i really need to wonder why any of them are there... besides like three people who repeadtly prove they should be there. we got an agenda for the week, cool. follow it. there are like, 4 groups that need to make their film, that's one group per day on the mac to edit because the films are already shot. or do the make up work. NOT SIT AROUND AND PLAY CARDS WHEN THERE IS A SHOW TO BE STRUCK IN THE AUDITORIUM YOU LAZY MOTHER FUCKERS. does this class realize that the only reason this fucking mainstage went up was because of the dedication of the senior class and the senior class cleaning up after them and the senior class taking on jobs that they were "overwhelmed" with work. bullshit. i have no sympathy. i've earned my keep and i did three jobs this show and i didn't have an emotional breakdown. anyway. so, while they were sitting there not doung any of the things in the cirriculm that was sent (keep in mind, the mainstage was NOT in my cirrculm) did anyone think... hey! there's a show that needs to be put up so we should strike our (well, the senior's) show? NO. ok, today the sub wouldn't let them in... did any one think to call aladren or a senior to again save the day? what about monday and tuesday? oh! i know where they were. cosmo. bullshitting. it's reatrded. i'm feeling so taken advantage of. and now, the freshman loose a day of reharsal because we are striking a show that was put up by us. bullllshit. what are there people going to do? they cannot realy on spoon feedings. they all have talent but no drive. i'm so upset by this, and so dissapointed. they let down the seniors, they let down the freshman. not to mention i found moldy food scattered about today. i'm so done. i was never like this as an underclassmen. like i said, i earned my keep. good luck to the upcoming juniors, because at the rate thier going now (plus or minus a few) they're on the path to becoming my seniors. no drive. no care. THIS IS WHY I DESERVE A 100.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm at Hayley's house!

Participation Grade: 100. Today I deserve a 100 because I'm actually a student in our school who cares about our work. I'm not there to bullshit and stuff, I'm learning, AND I'm on the honor role AND I'm accomplishing my goals and "not going to the army because I'm not 'smart' enough for college." The people in our class are such an inspiration to not be those people. Is this making sense?

Today Hayley and I went to Roosevelt Park and we ran around the lake like 4 times. She totally kicked my ass. Uhm... what else. I stole subs from honor role! Oh! yeah, I get to give out those scrolly things for the new members. In shop today in I "learnt" how to write feet and inches the right way... suprsingly I never learned that in grammer school. Today was really uneventful. Bye!