Monday, November 9, 2009

maybe we should play the lottery?

participation grade: 100. because today went splendidly. it's so cool to learn new techniques because i can apply it to the old ones and see what i get. totally excited for the week.

so Phil is super cool. totally chill, i want to see him perform! he's teaching us Chekhov. I've heard of this method, but I'm not familiar with it, so I'm super stoked to be learning it. i love the fact that we learn meisner, i think it's the most efficient ways to train a young actor. it strips you down, it makes you truthful. but i think one of the best things you have ever done for us outside meisner training is bringing in guests artists who were trained differently. like when Atlantic came last year, i learned so much of what i learned from them for midsummer. the practical as if became my best friend. the Chekhov method or at least what Phil started us out with today has a lot to do with developing character thorough your environment. i didn't really start understanding character development until recently, so this was a nice way to start off after a break. today's learning's made character development do organic. like, i wasn't sitting there thinking like "ok, i want her to walk funny". you also learn that you have a lot of pre-conceived notions about your character due to your enviornment. that doesn't mean you're judging them, but rather your making them look a certain way to fit what you think would fit in the enviornment. i have a problem with that because apparently, i think like a director. i automatically thought, "ok, I'm in a crazy house. cold, constricted". like, i know my characters lonley and what not, but i was forgetting all about who the character was to make it look like she belonged in the enviornment. i kept forgetting this girl got sent there for lighting someones hair on fire and she's totally chill. i don't know, but something just clicked. this sounds so bad but I'm so excited you'll be absent all week :] this is such an experience that will definitely help me acting wise, but i know it will help me in my career as a director and filmmaker.

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